Publié le par Orion56

I thought a very long time ago that reading "1984" was a Kind of political fiction. Actually we are in since. .. poor memory !
When I got back to France recently, I took the plane at Martinique airport. I had no specific problem till I was in thé place Some wires (transmitters / receivers ) took me off sleeping all the travell. I was not tired because of the jet lag but because the sleeping lack. .....

When in Paris, I was so surprise by the magnificance of french wires system ! Buts everywhere, all along the streets I was passing by, in every locations I was standing (bars, restaurants, hotels, cine, malls. ..). At any time huge pains because of programming during nights.
I should give à réaliser thanks to the Macron's team among them the hutchy putchy little girls Who are the french spécial agents from DISE.
When back in Martinique, again they surprised me : wires in all the airport, in any location I can get.
You can smile today. Everybody is under surveillance and, so, you should live happy. MM.

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