Publié le par Orion56


1- THE MEGHAN MARKLE'S ROYAL WEDDING WON'T TAKE PLACE, a decision made based on my personal informations and 3 articles (one written by The Times, another one by French Voici and the last by French Purepeople) :

You all have to understand why such a decision I am in charge, regarding many informations people don't have.

1-1. People, including English people, may not know that Prince William, Prince Harry, their father Prince of Wales Charles, their Grand Father Prince Philipp Mountbaten (Duke of Edinburgh) and I, Martial Messier, had had a private discussion, in London in 2013, before Victoria Secret Show took place. They all decided that Prince William would take the crown and replace Queen Elizabeth II who might step down, as she agreed it. They all have been informed, at that moment, that regarding my Time Travels, Elisabeth I and Elisabeth II were the same person, after Elisabeth I killed her daughter to replace her, when I first met her with his fucking Prime Minister Churchill (ps), when they all try to force me to eat human flesh, as they did, and to make love with Elisabeth I. Philipp Mountbaten knew it because he was beside, as he knew Elisabeth I has been killed during this event, which took place during a train travel in India ! Great Britain was the second country to get a time travel machine with France and they all got also the clonage possibility. So, Queen Elisabeth II is just a clone, wearing for a very long time a camouflage suit to appear older. As the Royal family took such a decision, they all asked me first to give my position, regarding my highest level in the royal history in the world - I did not want to personnaly make this decision - which was to congratulate them for their own choice. When we discussed the troubled story of Prince Harry and his possibility to get married, they asked me in second to wether agree or not a royal wedding depending on who will be the future princess. The decision must be mine, even huge royal wedding preparations were under way, because I had to remember several living stories of my past, including one with Prince Harry. My decision is not to let this wedding taking place and the Royal family has now to formely decide, considering they already have their own conclusions based on researches they made, even Elisabeth II did not want, again, to quit her crown. Remember how and why I have had my brain lobotomized, which helped a lot persons who wanted to do and to make really bad things.

ps : Churchill was not the savour of England people thought as he was the first spy and servant of Hitler, what Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery discovered it with my help. Before the World War Two, Churchill - helped by Mountbaten - used different Tools on Queen Elisabeth I, so she loved eating flesh and has accepted the white supremacy point of view of Churchill, mainly in India. Afterall, Queen Elisabeth I did not fight later on and was willing herself to do all these things ..

1-2. Who really is Meghan Markle ? As I know, this woman is really from America, could her name be Meghan Markle, Megan Fox or Daisy Duke, the three I had a personnal affair with ! She is the same person who has a specific weapon for her spirit to "occupy" men will or willingness.

a- Daisy Duke, her real name and not Catherine Bach she paid to play her role as a retired woman, is the famoust actress in TV show "The Dukes of Hazaard" ("Shérif, fais-moi peur"). She "called" me during this TV shooting, in order to make love wih me and to ask me to drive "General Lee", the famoust red car with the Confederate flag on top, which is a racial controversy in US, what she really thought. After the hate of the Native American (Indian people), the white power was her mood. This car is a specific one and when you become the driver, you never can go away from the car and from Daisy wills. This car has never been broken during all stunts ... and you will easely think on Transformers with the yellow car became pretty. I have never been the driver because one of the two "Duke" brothers aware me of what was going on. You can escape if you find a solution (which is related to give Daisy so much pleasure during sex) or if somebody else becomes the driver.

b- Years later, I was back to America (I have only three nationalities : the american one, the french one and the monegasque one, even if I could have had the English one). It was the time of a new encounter with Megan Fox for a true story which was told in a movie called "Transformers", again in America. It's likely the same in other countries where people have been forced to forget all what really happened... My story, or character, was played by Shia Labeouf for this 2007 movie. When somebody drive the car, like me, and make love with Megan (on the car or where the car can have a look), you belong to Megan. By the way, it was a true war between these friendly machines - so called transformers - and the very bad ones. I did my "duty", I mean Megan took so much sex pleasure, that I was released of my Megan belonging ! Just for a short time when I have been called back in 2009, as you know it with "Transformers : Revenge of the Fallens" and, finally, for "Transformers : The Last Knight" you have seen only in 2017. Two more times for Transformers and her sort of Queen, Megan, to destroy part of human race and to get me back in the "black heart" of Megan. You must remember an important thing when, in the last movie, Unicron, chieff of bad machines, said to Optimus Prime he was HIS BEST WARRIOR ! Nevertheless, Unicron has been defeated, on earth and on their own planet where I have been conducted and not far to be destroyed ... Thus, Optimus must lead his race (they really have a counsciousness ...) with his "girl friend" Bumblebee, the female counsciousness yellow car, not to help human race but, at a time, to destroy it. Unfortunately, Shia Labeouf became the new "toy friend" of Megan Fox, or Daisy Duke, as she is the same person (maybe Shia would explain it). But he succeeded in escaping the Megan trap - he is a real good soldier - and she had to change for a new story and a new target !

c- Meghan Markle "called" me while shooting Suits in Toronto (Canada) and its suburbs. I was forced to make love with her, which helped me to recognized Megan Fox or Daisy Duke. What was happening during the serie shooting was really frightening for everybody : true stuntmen were killed during shooting, a speficic occasion for the Megan team to take over Toronto, kill people while others were eating human flesh. I hope this town finally escaped this threat with my explanations during my presence. Reading the articles below, you will understand Meghan used people for her own interests and knew Lady Diana story, just because Meghan Markle wanted to become really famoust with a high position. She wanted, as it is said, to become Lady Diana 2.0 - what she used to do with invented lives - using Diana's sharity style but still staying ruthless and calculating. How does she succeed ? Unfortunately invited by Elisabeth II for a tea time in her Palace with Meghan Markle - I said unfortunately because I was chained and plenty of drugs - I have heard the Queen asking Meghan, Megan, or Daisy, where she was with me ! Megan smiled and answered she already succeeded with somebody else : Prince Harry, what Elisabeth smiled on and said she will help ! Of course I escaped from the trap of Queen Elisabeth, with some help, so I would not be obliged to make, again, love with her Young body ... How Meghan Markle made her sneaky approach with Harry ? Just get back to Iraq recent war and the military recovery of Mosul city. You surely know I am a 7 stars General which was the reason why I have been asked to come near Mosul in 2017 and to give my advices to the multinational forces stopped by Islamic State forces. These forces were not only iraqi but also french, american and English. SAS were not the only English forces since Prince Harry was doing his military duty as the commander of british helicopters. When back from a mission on Mosul I have seen, we have had a strong discussion on what appeared to be Harry willful misconduct during this short battle (too deadly risky for him and his helicopters squadron). He punched me at the end and was dismissed of his command on my decision. This was the moment when high ranked officers and me saw his helicopter transformed itself, as robot Transformers did. That's the reason why I had had the explanation on how Meghan Markle took the mind of Prince Harry who, even willing to do his best after his Nazi suit story and others, was in a bad shape driven by Meghan Markle robot. You better understand now she is making curious décisions while preparing his royal arrival and royal wedding, with the consent of Queen Elisabeth ..

You now have the history of Meghan Markle, knowed also as Megan Fox and Daisy Duke, and all the elements which conduct me to make my decision to forbid this wedding, too Dangerous for the crown of Great Britain. Prince William, with the help of his father Prince Charles - who escaped murder attempt of his parents by the way - have now to make his own decision on this wedding, based on mine which they suggested the process, and, last but not least, to retire Queen Elisabeth. Do not forget she organized, with the help of the Prime Minister she appointed, the terrorist attacks in London and elswehere against UK citizens, conducted by French special services and terrorists. High ranked military know also what We discovered during Falklands war with the presence of Margareth Tatcher, running away from us and wounded british soldiers, to eat flesh she thought to be mine ... She destroyed UK economy ad lifes for ten years, like Republican do with their ultra-liberal décisions : no place for the weaks, only places for the wealthiest !«-impitoyable-»-et-«-calculatrice-»-selon-le-biographe-de-lady-di/ar-AAvnyGs?li=AA54qp&ocid=spartandhp

2- THE RUNAWAY TO DELETE YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE WITHIN THIS WEAK ( "From Apple to Playboy, tech giants and celebrities turn on Facebook" - Source : NBC).

More influential business figures and celebrities not only announce plans to quit Facebook but they did it ! Just see their names in this article and maybe YOU will follow. We surely see who is willing to maintain his Facebook page, those sharing the Fakebook values with stolen things while eliminating the core problems (I mean people stolen or misleaded ...).


Written the Third of April PM.


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