Torture in The Country of Freedom or how Democracy is working

Publié le par Orion56

Let’s begin this new article by some statistics :


 Part of the engine of my car (cooling system) has been broken 4 times. The goal was simply to succeed in braking the engine.

 One computer at the office has been broken two times.

 The network at the office has been destroyed 5 times.

 The day the first article of “Survivor man : the ultimate torture” was online (a Sunday), 262 unique visitors came to read it. The day after, this data dropped to 1 unique visitor ! Thanks to the powerful tools from special services.

 During this last horrible week, I have tried to stay alive and escape 3 times from death.

 I’ve stopped counting the number of different persons I have seen in the apartment beside mine since an ugly westerner girl, waiting for a local guy, slammed the door suddenly when seeing me out of the elevator and, more, since I have recently seen a whole family telling me they were the owners.

 Where I am, thousands of wires (transmitters/receivers) have been installed in many places in which I may pass by or stay.

 50 times my 3 browsers, among other softwares, have been modified. No more add-on, like the different flash to see video files, even with the good add-on, impossible to read any video and, every day, simple Copy/Paste are impossible, even today for publishing this article.


To come back to The Country of Freedom and the torture, it is important to mention that the notion of ‘Freedom’ has clearly changed in one of the countries in which it was significant.


Freedom for the offenses and homicide : Better than India, the French cast system does not depend on blood link, or your birth conditions, but on money link or Network, either professional or personal. Then you may become untouchable, above any kind of law, which allow you everything, till homicide. In order to move on, India is trying to reduce the impact of the cast system in order to develop its economy while France is improving the cast system in order to develop Network wealth. It is good to remember that when the financial crisis has overwhelmed the French economy, a lot of big bosses of quoted companies, i.e. detaining money from shareholders, made huge losses telling officially they were not exposed to sophisticated financial instruments. Nevertheless, they were ! And the rules of communication for quoted companies tell us that they should have got problems from justice. That was not the case at all ! Then, why not committing an homicide ???


Freedom for torture : in December 2004, I was staying in the smoking room of my company’s office. I suddenly heard coming from the ceiling (in French) : “Ah, Ah, surprised to hear us again and here. But it gonna change. It gonna change.” It was, again, the beginning of the horror. And this “It gonna change” reminds me a famous movie “Marathon Man” with Dustin Hofman, when the former Nazi was torturing the hero, drilling a hole in the pulp of a tooth, and asking again the same question : “Is it safe ?” Actually, they usually provoke me terrible pains with my teeth while looking TV and pains become more intense after a “It gonna change”. Neither the Hero nor me know why we are under torture. Except guessing and searching for the truth.


Freedom of speech : I was really surprised last Wednesday to read a short article in a local English newspaper telling us that a rumor was going on, coming from a Website which was saying that the wedding of the Presidential couple had no value, no real matter. This article informed us on the answer of the couple which was not touch at all by such allegations. But, seemingly, the prosecutor may have been touched because he decided the opening of an official inquiry. Before, freedom of speech was for real, even if a French president or the first Lady was lampooned or was the subject of rumors. It seems, with that case and others, that it is not more the case (*,**,**). As soon as I can find out again the article of a journalist of Le Monde published in its blog and explaining the freedom of the DST (the French anti-intelligence special service) and why they were more and more above the law, manipulating official documents, I will come back to you.


You were talking about freedom ? And what about a forced visit to the police station ? You want to talk again about freedom ?














Publié dans Ultimate Torture

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